Grand Theft Auto Concept
Concepts for future dlc
Grand Theft Auto Paramilitary DLC
Wespons !

Sniper Rifle German ww1

The Tank Gewehr is a German WW1 anti tank rifle that is almost amusing, its literally just a scaled up version of the rifle that the German army was using at the time. They basically took a good gun they already knew how to make and made it big enough to shoot the tanks of the time. The model does not look totally accurate and is just here for the novelty of being a huge bolt action rifle. It's actually just a scaled up K98 Mauser with an AK pistol grip and a few minor texture changes.
Springfield 1903 sniper

The Springfield model 1903 sniper rifle saw extensive use in the U.S. military in world wars one and two and saw continued service through the Korean and Vietnam wars before eventually being replaced by a more modern rifle. When the U.S. government stopped using the model 1903 a majority of them were sold as surplus and many went to the civilian market where they were purchased by citizens looking for an affordable hunting/home defense weapon and obviously the rifles historical significance promotes a collectors market as well.
AC-15 Sniper

This lightweight sniper could shoot 3 shots in a row, and finish your cartridge with a maximum of 9 bullets, meaning you could only push the button 3 times if it would fire 3 bullets in a row
Ballistic shield

The ballistic shield would be a huge complement to GTA Online, the interesting thing to notice is that it would be really cool if the character is atirase with RT / R2 and with LT / L2 he defended himself, the weapons that could be used with him in the hand Would be the pistols and machine guns of a hand
Kriss Vector

Kriss vector is a weapon with one of the largest shooting bursts per second, it is used in special operations, it would be a good increment for GTA Online, being one of the best SMG, being possible to be used with the shield, it could have leisure , Sights, handles, silencers, loaders, paints, and stockings (it is possible to remove it)
7 visible weapons
Could be added to the game a 'vest' where one could put the preferred weapons to sample, choosing at the weapons store (special base) or interactive menu, and be taken by any quick button, would be good for new costumes for lovers of war

ACW-R could come to compete with SCAR H and with the special carbine, so as not to unbalance the game, it could have the same SCAR-H custonizations, and be used in paramilitary missions, which would have a smaller rip faire than To SCAR-H

The M249 I could have come to the game to compete with the other heavy machine guns, forgotten by rockstar games, they would have limited customizations because it is not a light machine gun or a rifle, but battery-front with any other heavy machine gun.
ameli LMG

This LMG would be super heavy, with an absurd damage, but its cadence would be ridiculous, and recharging similar to the morquete, it would have customizations of the type: thermal, night vision, chargers, optical sights, handles, pipes, camouflage, and capsules many different.
Crouch down

When we got down we could have more precision, and take less damage, and also do some misao without us accusing, that would be great for the GTA online
Glock 17

The glock 17 came to compete with the only machine gun that we have in the game (AP pistol) it would be of a higher cadence than the AP only that per hour gave less damage to the enemy, it could be totally customizable and be the only weapon that could be Used with both hands
Vehicles !

The hunter is a vehicle that since the beta of the game, it is equipped with a guided missel, which shoots the two together and not one each, it also has a machine gun 20 mm at the tip, returning from gta san andreas and vice City it promises to overtake the savage!
Truck launches missiles

This truck as the name itself says, it launches missiles 40 missiles at the same time, (it could be 8 in the game) in the game it could have a crosshair in the top view, it can also choose the type of vision (night or thermal).
Dallas Submarine

This submarine could be added to carry military utensils by the sea without being seen by the other players .... he would not have any weapons, but would be resistant .. he could support up to 8 players, because the sea of GTA 5 is immense
US Navy Destroyer USS Nathan James

A magnificent increment for GTA Online would be this destroyer, before I die, my dream is to see one of those in GTA Online, it would have room for three players, one on the steering wheel and the other on the front and one in the rear. (Rockstar if you're reading this, please add it, it's a dream of me since I was a child, please)
J-10s (Strike)

This jet with a bold and different design came to compete with the laser and hydra, it could have a burst of machine guns faster and be faster but for now it could be weaker and less agile.
MH-X Ghosthawk

This helicopter would be for special operations that would come along with the base in this DLC, it would be fierce and mortiferous silent, it could have a rappel action (could drop at any time, even outside missions) and with missiles and heavy machine guns

This would be the slowest jet of the game and more fragile, but in compensation would be the strongest, would release 4 missiles at the same time and would shoot with the 4 machine guns at the same time, being possible to be acquired solely in our base
AC-130U Spooky II Gunship

The ac-130U is a military aircraft equipped with 2 machine guns on the left side of each 20mm, it would be unique because it would be the first plane to have machine guns imbutidas that other players could use, it serveria to export something to another place without depending on Any jet separately
B-2A Spirit Stealth Bomber

He would be a good aircraft because with just one button (2 player) he could drop bombs on the ground, he would be super silent and super sneaky, would have like weapon these bombs and a machine gun.
M1128 Stryker Mobile Gun System

This new light tank would be faster than the normal tank of the game, it would have a more powerful cannon so that by the hour it would be more fragile

This super heavy tank would be more powerful and stronger than the classic tank, but would be much slower and less agile ... it would have this cannon and a machine gun that player 2 could use, it would be of the same power of the insurjent's machine gun.
Clothes !

In this possible dlc could come many military and paramilitary clothes, like: berets, helmets (like the one of the image) clothes, trousers, boots, backpacks. Tattoos, gloves, glasses, vests, hoses attached from the rucksack to a mouth respirator and several other things
Hangar for missions

This would be the focal point for the DLC where you would buy the hangar and release missions to do, in this case it would be: trafficking weapons, exporting and importing military materials, waging war, customizing weapons on another level as quoted on the SCAR H page, Unlock vehicles for purchase and stockpile weapons and military materials
weapon shop
special base

This ammu nation would be special of our bases, with a varied customization for all the weapons, with new weapons that would not have in the normal ammu natio, would also have heavy clothes to wear, would be a center of special operations, with a design very different from the ammu Normal nation.
Walkie talkie

In walkie talkie we can ask for reinforcements, ammunition, escort, ask for companion to arrest pedestrians or players, ask for helicopters and even a military vehicle .... also as police or terrorist or MC missions.
Customized qualities for missions

In our quarters we can customize completely, increase things to make it better to facilitate missions, example: if we increase our hangar, we could save more vehicles and thus more people (of our team) could use them in the missions thus leaving more and more fasil Or if we increase his special ammu room we could have more customizations, equipment to facilitate the process of the mission, we could also increase our dormitories so more people would join our group (maximum 32 people)
Military modifications

There would be an underground garage below our hangar where we can modify our military vehicles, putting armor, turrets on top, camouflage, bulletproof glasses, tires, interior, exterior and add EX things: missiles, machine guns etc .... this garage Cars, as well as for airplanes, helicopters, and boats.